Friday, November 14, 2008

Pictures from Grandpa's Wedding

I have finished selecting and editing 175 pictures from Grandpa and Ruth's wedding weekend, including the rehearsal dinner, wedding ceremony and reception. These are just a few of my favorites, and are examples of some of the editing tricks that I learned this week using Corel Paint Shop Pro Photo X2.

I'll be uploading all 175 photos to my Shutterfly site tonight. Hopefully the upload won't take too long, and then I'll be sending out the link by e-mail. Let me know if I leave you off the list and you are interested in seeing the pictures.

1 comment:

Our Blessed Journey... said...

HOLY SMOKES JULIE----BEAUTIFUL!! I can't wait to see the rest--I'll send you some email addresses that I got at breakfast Sunday from the out East families. SUPER JOB!! (don't you love that spotlight feature on editing! I LOVE digital!)