Tuesday, October 13, 2009

40 Weeks 5 Days Pregnant

Yesterday, after my doctor's appointment, I never stopped having contractions every 4-6 minutes, but I did stop being "too comfortable."

We finally headed to the hospital early this morning (around 4:00 AM), but since I still wasn't dilating, they sent us away again (around 8:30 AM) because they didn't have a room for us and my doctor was going to be in surgery for the whole morning. They asked us to return to the hospital at 3:00 PM.

I was a little panicked about leaving in so much pain, but the nurse told me that I could go home and take one Tylenol PM in order to sleep before coming back. I did, and I ended up sleeping the morning away, which was wonderful.

Now, I am off to get ready to return to the hospital. Hopefully we will meet Lex soon!


Meg said...

Excellent!!! Good luck and can't wait to hear the great news that Lex is here!

Pam said...

Thank goodness! I'm tired of running across the room everytime I get a text message!

Sara said...

Yeah!!! Keep us posted. (Today's my sister's birthday.)