Connor really liked this book when we had it out from the library ages ago, so I was pleased when Kevin and Connor found a second, similar book during our last trip to the library.
Connor likes Dunk Skunk so much that we read it *all* the time. He even recited portions of it to me while we were eating lunch at McDonald's the other day. So, I was wondering whether he was reciting it or reading it when he was reading the book to himself the other day. But, then I noticed that he was pointing to the words when he was reading them. Then, he started reading the words out of order, and he was still pointing to the right ones. That's when I knew he was actually reading the words.
This happened two days ago.
Then, yesterday, he read the word cheese on a box mix for cheesecake. There was no picture of cheese anywhere on the box, so I know he read the word.
I'm so excited! We made a point never to test his reading skills when we were doing the word flashcards, because the program we were using said just to take it on faith that he was learning, because of course he was. Now that he is older and can demonstrate his skills at will, I'm so glad that we followed the program when he was little. I'm going to have him "help" me do the flashcards with Lex, probably starting in January when we tackle all sorts of things. I'll have to make a few new ones, though, since we will be starting Lex at a younger age than we did with Connor.
And, since we are talking about Connor and his current favorite books, here is another one that we got from the library and are reading a few times a day.
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