I have two funny stories involving diapers from the past two days.
This afternoon, Grandpa Kirk came to visit, and he ended up taking care of changing Lex's diapers the entire time that he was here. After he left, I was holding Lex, and I noticed that his diaper seemed very full. So, I took him upstairs to the changing table, undressed him and discovered that his diaper was actually dry. The reason that it felt full, however, was because there was just so much diaper stuffed into his little outfit. He was wearing one of Connor's diapers, which are 5 sizes bigger than his! I don't know if he had been wearing Connor's diapers all day, but he never had a leak, so all's well that end's well.
The next story involves poop, so if you prefer not to read blogs about poop, stop reading now. You can come back tomorrow when there should be another story for you to read, and hopefully one that doesn't involve the same type of drama that I encountered first thing yesterday morning.
At approximately 6:00 am yesterday, Lex woke up (after sleeping the entire night!) and I took him to the changing table to get him a clean diaper. I took off his Swaddle Me, I took off his sleeper, I took of his diaper, and then he promptly pooped. Since I was holding his legs up (to get the diaper out from under him) the poop shot out like a cannon. It really seemed to have some distance, but I didn't realize just how big a mess he had made until after I started cleaning it up.
Of course, I had to get him a new outfit. I also had to clean the Swaddle Me and the changing table cover. But there was poop all over the side of the changing table, on the wall, on the gate at the top of the stairs (if you haven't been to our house the changing table is very close to the stairs) and on the carpeting both in the loft and on the first two steps...it was the biggest diaper mess ever, but somehow Lex stayed clean! He got a bath shortly after I got everything else cleaned up, though, just for good measure.
My Dad (aka Grandpa R) did that too---put the older child's diaper on the baby--we didn't fair so well though:)
And we've never had that incident with the diaper off--I couldn't imagine the disaster that left--but I'm sure we've all had that incident on--where it shoots upward and everwhere--and anyone nursing a baby knows what color it is:)----we liked to call it "THE MUSTARD EXPLOSION!"
I just noticed a little yellow spot on the top step this morning that didn't come entirely clean. I had been planning to steam clean the carpets in the dining room and living room on Wednesday anyways, but now I'll be adding the steps to my list, too. Thank goodness our steam cleaner has attachments for the steps. I've never used them before, so hopefully they aren't too complicated or cumbersome.
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