Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Vital Stats

Lex had his one month check-up at the doctor this afternoon. He is a perfectly healthy little guy, for which I am extremely thankful.

Here are his stats:

Length: 22 1/4 inches (66th percentile)

Weight: 11 lbs 2 oz (80th percentile)

This means that he has grown 1 1/4 inch, and put on 3 lbs 2 oz in the last three weeks!! I told you he was growing so fast that I could see it! I think he is just trying to catch up with Connor.

The doctor commented that "he is going to be a big boy." Of course, when I told Kevin that, and he asked me what she meant specifically by saying that, I had no good answer. But there you go.

Developmentally, as a one-month old, he should be smiling and cooing, which he is doing, so that is good. Plus he rolled over and can lift his head up while on his tummy, so he is right on track.

Three cheers for Lex!

1 comment:

Sara said...

That's great! At this rate he may catch up to Noah.