I was going to go out and buy a Moby wrap yesterday. I got online and found a local store that sold them, Sprout Soup. But, as I was looking at their website, I noticed that they had a babywearing playgroup scheduled for today! I put off the sling purchase for one more day, and left the house this morning with high hopes for babywearing fun!
Sprout Soup is a cute little store, and more than half of it is dedicated to play space and meeting space and a lounge for nursing and changing babies. They have playgroups and La Leche League meetings and craft mornings. There is even a "Dad's Coffee" scheduled for certain Saturday mornings.
I was the first to arrive for the babywearing thing, even though we were a half-hour late, probably due to the weather. The sales lady talked to me about what I wanted in a sling, and what experience I had in babywearing. After our conversation, she let me try on a few different slings with Lex. I liked the ease of the mei tai carriers, but I wanted something with a bit more versatility. I wanted a sling that I could tie different ways, carry on the front or back, and use with either Connor or Lex.
I decided to buy a gauze sling, a bali breeze. That's what is pictured above. It cost me just under $75, but it should be usable for years to come.
I might also want to buy a heavier weight sling in the future, depending on how I like this one. I've got my eye on a Storchenwiege (the blue one), but they are out of stock right now.
Playgroup notes that I want to remember:
Scheduled: 10-11 AM, Reality: 10:30 AM - Noon
Connor played with Gus, Henry and Sophia
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