Part I
Every morning, Connor makes muffins for breakfast. He does most of the work, as it is pretty simple.
I preheat the oven to 425 degrees.
He picks a muffin mix out.
I give him a muffin pan and 6 muffin wrappers.
He puts the wrappers in the pan.
I get a bowl, open the muffin mix and measure out 1/2 cup of milk.
He pours it all into the bowl.
He mixes it.
I pour the batter into the cups.
The oven beeps to let us know it is ready.
I put the muffins in and set the timer.
The timer beeps.
I get the muffins out.
See, not too hard at all. But more work than I wanted to do this morning, as I am really tired. Monday morning tired. I really wanted to pour him a bowl of cereal or open a Nutrigrain bar and be done with breakfast.
So I asked him, "Connor, do you want a fruit bar or cereal for breakfast today?"
A. "You're giving me jokes, Mom, you're giving me jokes. I want muffins."
So, we made muffins. Strawberry.
Part II
I am really tired this morning. This is due in large part to the fact that Kevin and I stayed up really late last night to work on our federal tax return. Barrel of laughs, right?
We got finished with one draft of our 1040. If we just use the standard deductions and don't contribute any extra money to our IRAs for the IRA deduction, we still owe the federal government a little more than $1,200. I guess now the plan is to figure out what we could deduct if we itemize.
Part III
I am really tired this morning. This is due in large part to the small boys in our family waking me up multiple times at night. You know that I expect Connor to wake me up at least once a night. But Lex, my perfect sleeper Lex...what happened?
For the first three months of his life, I could count on Lex to sleep at night. When he was four months old, he started waking up occasionally at 3:00 AM to eat. It was more occasional at first. Lately, it was every night. I am okay with one night feeding, honest.
But, since he turned five months things have been bad. Seriously, for the past two nights, he has awoken and wanted to eat every TWO or THREE hours. It's just like when Connor was a baby. In fact, Lex woke up for his first feeding last night when Kevin and I were still awake working on the taxes. Then he woke me up three more times.
Is he going through a growth spurt? Is he finally ready for more than just milk in his diet? We've been working on eating rice cereal, but he only gets a few bites each time. Maybe I should buy some cereal nipples and try to give it to him a bottle before bed?
Is it a separation anxiety thing? About two weeks ago, he cried every time I left the room, but I forgot to mention it before now, because it only lasted for about 48 hours.
What is going on? And when will it end?
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