Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Maybe we should have taken the stairs?

No, we didn't get stuck - but a sign like this really makes you think!

How often does the elevator get stuck before they invest in a sign like this?

How often do you get on an elevator without having all the specific location information on this sign?

And for all that - does it even matter? I mean, I've never been stuck in an elevator. Even though I rode ancient elevators with spotty records every day when I worked downtown, in both my parking garage and office building.

1 comment:

Meg said...

I got stuck in one when I was working in Baltimore. Nearly 2 hours and I had to go to the bathroom the whole time. I was about 16 weeks pregnant with Zo...I was on the first floor of our building so I wasn't worried about crashing or anything, but I was pretty sure i'd have an accident anyway!