Look at those teeth!
Other thoughts: Our hotel room was drafty, and even though Lex was swaddled and the room was set to 75, he kept waking up because he was cold. Eventually, I ended up letting him sleep on my chest in the early morning, because I was tired of getting up and putting him back in his pack n play just to have him wake up as soon as he cooled off. And then he would put his tiny little freezing hands up my shirt to warm them up, and they felt like ice cubes!
Sweet Dreams! Goodnight! May all of your children let you get some shut-eye tonight.
1 comment:
ya well, thanks--but no go here last night--ughhh---my little one said she saw a goblin--her daddy said, "a ghost?" she said "NO a GOBLIN--A REAL ONE"--so she wound up in bed with us---plus big thunderstorms
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