Lex is eight months old. Eight is my favorite number. Woot!
This is going to be a good month.

He has three teeth now. He woke up with the top front right tooth on Monday morning earlier this week. I think that the top front left tooth is going to be coming in soon. Any day now. I am happy that he is such an easy teether. He really doesn't complain that much when he is getting a new tooth.

All of the sudden, Lex is all about the baby sign language. He picked up on the sign for "milk" a while ago, and then he started flapping his right wrist around whenever he wanted something (mostly to be picked up and fed or held). Then he got better at his hand movements, and now he can sign for "cookie," "cereal" and "more." He's also clapping and waving. I'm super excited. It's great to be able to communicate with him.

Here are the results of our at-home, super-scientific measurements for this month:
Weight: 21 lbs 10 oz (exactly one pound more than last month)
Height: 28.5 inches
If I am remembering correctly, we'll be going back to see the doctor for a well baby visit in about a month, so we should get some doctor-approved measurements again then.
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