So, I designed my own. I started by toting the boys around town to two different craft stores in order to procure the appropriate scrapbooking supplies. Namely, paper and stickers.
Then, I got scrappy. I created this...

...which I scanned into my computer. Then, using my photo editing software, I added a picture of Connor and some text. (I deleted the bottom portion of the text for posting here, because you all don't need my phone number and address. Unless you do, in which case, you can ask me for it.)

Then, I had them printed up as 5x7 photos at my local one hour photo store. I had them in hand and in the mail later that afternoon! Not only was it fun to do, but it was very convenient, and I love the way that they turned out.
Kevin also really liked them. He was so impressed with the invitations that he thinks that I could sell my invitation making services to family and friends (and strangers, too, but I don't know how they would know about it, being strangers).
See, here I thought the grass and picture of Connor was your's and then the rest was from a digital scrapbooking kit. But either way very nicely done.
Check this site out:
Never have bought anything, yet, but I have a long wishlist and they have so much to choose from.
You can even buy the 'scrap for hire' license so you can resell images made from what you buy. You've got to watch because some free stuff is only intended for personal use.
Thanks for the link. I bookmarked the site, because it looks very helpful - almost too much to digest at once!
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