Anyways, it's been a good time. We like each other. And we are happy.

See that smile? No one can deny that he is a happy baby. And just looking at his smile makes me happy. Happiness is contagious.

Lex is also becoming very loud and expressive. He has understood the concept behind our sign language for quite some time now, and he has understood our signs. But he has been a little lacking in dexterity, so most of his signs all looked the same for a long time. However, that is changing! He can point now, and clearly sign for milk, more, cookie, diaper change and play. He's also doing that super cute thing babies do where they lift up their arms when they want picked up.

His fourth tooth came in, so now he leaves nice even bite marks when he bites me. He only seems to bite me, usually on the arm or shoulder when he is hungry and I am taking too long to feed him. Although, he has bitten Connor once when they were playing, and Daddy's toe one time, when they were playing. It seems that he thinks biting is appropriate during rough-housing.

His new favorite things are cell phones, remotes and laptops. Oh, he cries so pitifully when he can't have them. He just wants all the cool fun toys that Mommy and Daddy play with.

He's also really doing well with his gross motor skills. He can pull himself up from sitting to standing, and he is cruising along our furniture quite well. He also does well walking when he can hold your hand. He has let go a few times and just stood there, but he hasn't taken those first steps yet.
He is actually closer to walking than crawling - but he does get around on the floor. He rolls and pulls himself across the floor like a wiggle worm. He puts both arms out in front of him, and then just tugs his body behind. It's actually more effective than it sounds, and he is very quick!
Finally, our at home measurements:
Height: 28.5 in
Weight: 21 lbs 13 oz
Which is pretty much the same as last month.
1 comment:
I am well acquainted with the four tooth bite mark. For a long time, Acey bit only me. She has recently expanded to Ren, Zo and my mom, but she hasn't ever bitten a non-family member.
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