Tuesday, October 5, 2010


While at the log cabin, I took some really great photos of Connor, and I don't mind saying so myself.

This one reminds me of one that we had taken by Aperture Photography at this same time last year, but at a different park. Only this time, I took the photo myself. I'm impressed with the quality of the shot, and it's SOOC.

A year younger, but he's still the same kid!

I'm honestly thinking of making this next one into a Halloween photo greeting card and sending it out to everyone I know. Maybe we'll do that instead of Christmas cards this year. Probably not, though.

Yes, he is at a cemetery. In a Charlie Brown shirt no less.

Here's the best part - he was just dying to get inside, and absolutely tickled that the gate was unlocked. We walked around a bit, and he wanted me to read him each and every headstone that we came to. I called it quits after about 25 or 30, and told him we had to get home for supper.

He would have loved to explore the whole cemetery, and I've found out that there is going to be a guided tour of the cemetery at Halloween this year. I think I'm going to sign us up.

Is that morbid?

Here are my thoughts, as they are. I've been to 4 funerals in my life (one when I was a toddler). I've taken Connor to 3 funerals, and he is only 3 years old. I want him to know that death is a natural part of life and not to get too hung up about it. He's interested in cemeteries, and I don't think that I should avoid them, just because they may be considered taboo. It's where people end up, after all.

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