Thursday, January 20, 2011

15 Month Well-Check: Lex Edition

Today we went to the doctor for Lex's 15 month well-baby visit.

Okay, let's back up for a second. First we had to leave the house, and that was an event all of its own.

I was all ready to leave the house to go to the doctor and arrive just a little bit early. It was 9:25 am. I had my coat on. Connor had his coat on. I picked Lex up to put his coat on and discovered that he had a stink in his diaper.

So I took Lex upstairs and changed him. While I was putting his coat on, Connor announced that he had to go poop. Just like that, by the way. So, he took off his coat and went to the bathroom.

Then, for some reason (such as I have ticked off the demi-god of timely arrivals), Connor got his pants and shirt and underpants all wet. So, I had to fetch him some clean clothes and get him changed and then put his shoes and coat back on.

Finally, I could buckle the boys into the car and start it up. It was now 9:55, and we had to be all the way across town in 15 minutes. In the snow. Not going to happen.

So, we arrived to the doctor's office five minutes late (not bad at all in my book, considering what we had been through), and I get us all checked in. Just as the nurse calls Lex's name for his appointment, I notice a stink. From his diaper. Again.

We weighed him and measured his height then, with him stinking it up all the while. And just FYI, those little examination rooms don't air out quickly. I changed his diaper while we were waiting for the doctor, and wouldn't ya know it, but as soon as the doctor walked in, Connor announced that he had to go potty. Again.

What did I do to deserve this? I had the nurse walk Connor to the potty. The doctor asked me if he could go in there by himself, and I answered that he could. He can do it at home (this morning excepted, of course). After a few minutes, the nurse came to get me, though, because Connor was all wet. Again.

Lex did most of his 15 month check-up all by himself, as I had to go to the bathroom and fetch Connor and change his clothes. Again.

But, the good news is that Lex looks healthy. He is ahead of his class (so to speak) with his gross motor skills. He is walking, running and can climb both up and down the stairs (as well as on top of various household objects). The doctor said that she wanted him to be talking more by his 18 month check up. I think that as long as he keeps expanding his vocabularly, he should definitely be talking more by then.

As it is now, he oftentimes spouts out entire sentences that he expects me to understand, and I can only pick up a word or two. So I know that he wants to communicate with me. He just needs a little practice. He's also picking up the sign language like crazy. (Newest favorite sign? Please. Which to him means, "I want it really badly.")

Vital Statistics:

Height: 33.5 inches
Weight: 26 lbs 4 oz

I have no idea what percentile those figures fall in, because unfortunately, I had to go to get Connor in the potty at that moment, and forgot to ask.

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