Monday, March 21, 2011

Connor's Big All-By-Himself Adventure

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

On Saint Patrick's Day (which was last Thursday, in case you are having trouble keeping track of what day is when, like I am), I took the boys downtown to see the parade with some friends.

Our Buffet on Wheels

After the parade, we stopped at a park. After the park, we stopped over to Tanner's house to drop Wendy and Tanner off. Since Tanner and Connor were still having so much fun playing together, we decided to stay for a little while.

Eventually, it was time for Lex to take his afternoon nap. I knew it was bad when he was lying on Wendy's kitchen floor whining. Then, he was looking at their dogs through their back porch door, and there was a loud noise and he totally lost it. I declared that it was time to go home so that Lex could take a nap. Connor got upset because he wasn't ready to go home yet, so Wendy offered to let him stay for a while longer. In fact, she offered to let Connor spend the night with Tanner, and to bring him to the pool in the morning to meet back up with me and Lex. I think maybe she was partly joking, but Connor apparently thought that her offer sounded really great, and he decided that he was going to spend the night at Tanner's house.

At first, I wasn't ready for the idea. How could he be old enough for a sleepover? But I decided that he could at least stay over during Lex's nap, and that I could go back and get him before dinner.

But when I called to check on him after Lex woke up, he *still* wasn't ready to go home yet. He was insistent that he was going to spend the night at Tanner's house. So, I decided that he could eat dinner with Wendy and company, and that I could go fetch him at bedtime.

But then bedtime rolled around, and he went straight to sleep on the little bed that had been set up for him in Tanner's room. No fuss. No muss.

Neither Wendy or I could really believe it, but Connor had made up his mind that he was going to spend the night, and so he did it. I told Wendy that she could call me to come get Connor at any time that night if he needed me, but he didn't wake up at all. In fact, he even slept in that morning and Wendy had to wake the boys up to get them going in the morning!

We met up again with Connor at the swimming pool on Friday morning, just like we promised him, and he was so excited about his very first sleepover!

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