Monday, March 21, 2011

On Friday night, we took Connor to get his hair cut. He needed it. Badly.

He didn't want to have his hair cut, but then again, he never does. Usually it ends up okay. But not this time. This time it ended. very. badly.

It started out the same as usual. Connor complained a bit, but he climbed up in the chair willingly enough and sat still while the girl put the little drape around his neck. He asked her not to use the clippers or the water spray bottle, both of which I overruled. The girl did offer to cut his hair dry, though, so I thought that was a good sign.

But, the girl was not so good with Connor after that, and he started to melt down. Finally sick of his whining and squirming, and after a real cry, the girl actually put down her scissors and stalked off. Connor really got upset then, and he had such a fit that other people waiting for haircuts left the building.

The manager came to our rescue, though, and after hearing Kevin threaten to finish the haircut at home himself, she sent the first girl home and finished Connor's haircut herself. She was very nice and understanding.

But, in order to get Connor to sit for the haircut again, we had to promise him something. Kevin asked him what he would want if he could have anything in the world, and he wanted to fly a kite as soon as his hair was cut.

And so we did. In a muddy field. In the rain. At twilight.

To infinity. And beyond!

Much happier now. And with a much better haircut.

Honestly, I'm just glad that he asked for something obtainable, even if it wasn't so reasonable.

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