Last night, the power went out at 4:25 am. I know this because the house complained about it and woke me up. Three times.
First, as soon as the power went out, the four baby monitor receivers started shrieking to let me know that the transmitters were no longer transmitting. I quickly turned off the two by my pillow, but then I had to trudge down the stairs in the pitch black and find the other two to turn them off.
Then I went back to bed. I dreamed that the power came back on. That was wishful thinking, because I knew what would come next if it didn't.
Exactly 30 minutes later, at 4:55 am, the security system started chirping to alert me to the fact that we had been without power for 30 minutes now, and that this information was being transmitted to the FBI. Or something. Because someone needs to know. I already knew, of course. So I trudged downstairs in the pitch black again and set the alarm system straight.
Then I went back to bed. I was pretty sure that I would be able to sleep now.
But then the thermostat started chirping to let me know that the backup battery in the programmable thermostat was dying. And that woke Lex up. So I had to decide between getting a flashlight, screwdriver and batteries to fix the thermostat or getting baby Lex settled first. I picked baby Lex, and while I was rocking him back to sleep, the power came back on, solving the thermostat issue. Lex feel asleep again.
I went back to bed. It was 5:55 am. Kevin's alarm went off 5 minutes later.
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