Our second vacation destination was Savannah, Georgia. We toured the historic River Street district.
It turns out that watching boats on the river is immensely entertaining to my boys. They could have spent hours just watching the boats go by.
While we were watching the river, a HUGE ocean cargo ship came down the river. We stayed to watch it pass. It was the biggest boat that either Kevin or I had ever seen.
After looking at the boats, we headed over to Savannah's famous Candy Kitchen.
Our last order of business in Savannah was to eat lunch at Olympia Cafe.
OK ... I simply MUST comment on the last photo of this blog ... it is SooooOOOOoooo Adorable!!! :D
Funny you went to Savannnah. I was thinking just the other day if we drive to Disney on the next trip that maybe we should stop in Savannah and or Hilton Head.
I was a girl scout when I was little and the founder's house is in Savannah so I'd secretly want to at least drive by it.
We stopped in both Hilton Head and Savannah on the way down! It's the way to go!
Except next time, I think we are going to only do Disney and fly straight there and straight back.
The 'plan' is to go before the boys start kindergarten. This way we won't be taking them out of school and we can avoid all the school vacation crowds. And my sister has thrown out going in the fall and possibly attend Mickey's Not So Scary Halloween Party.
It will all come down to prices of airline tickets, gas, and if we plan to need a car or not. This past December for 2 tickets we spent around $550 total for Jason and I but to go again we'd need 4 tickets. Just counting gas and one overnite stay flying or driving was just about the same. However, a 2 hour straight flight is nice.
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