Here are my thoughts:
We saw it in 2D, so I can't say how the 3D version was. Our kids aren't ready for 3D movies yet.
If your kid didn't like the first Cars movie, they are not going to sit through the second one. One of our friends had to leave before the movie was over because their daughter was just not into the movie. She never liked the first one either.
At least two of the adults who had never seen the first movie fell asleep during this one. There may have been more, but I only caught two actually snoring.
The movie is intense and kind of scary for younger kids. It's a James Bond type spy movie, and even though it is rated G, there is some stuff that goes on. Like cars that get killed. And guns. And bombs. At one point, Mater has a bomb strapped to him, and two other spy cars are tied to gears in Big Ben, and they are all going to die. At this point, Connor and Lex were in our laps, yelling at the screen, and very distressed. I kept reassuring them that the movie would have a happy ending, but when I looked around the theater, all the other kids that were 5 and under were also sitting on laps, looking terrified or screaming at the screen. I think that the movie is better suited to kids who were young when the first movie came out in the theater.
In the end though, Connor says that he loved the movie. Although he said that it was too scary to go see a second time. And he said that the first movie was better.
Oh, and before the Cars movie, there was a short Toy Story film that played. That was awesome!
Personally, I liked it. Those are my two cents.
We are planning to take the boys on Saturday. It will be their first movie experience. We (as in Jason and I) saw a preview in 3D which was okay and then saw Pirates 3 in 3D and honestly I don't think it's worth the extra money. I don't think the boys would even keep the glasses on. I wasn't even going to take them yet but my sister wants to take them.
I think we may try the movie tavern so that they have food because they've not had popcorn yet and Noah loves french fries.
I'll have to tell you how it goes.
I hope they do well! Please do let me know how it goes.
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