Friday, November 11, 2011

Board Games

Connor loves board games. We play so many board games all day long.

Right now, he is really into Monopoly, Battleship, Checkers and Chess. And some card game based on Quidditch from Harry Potter. (It's like a complex card game of War involving Quaffles.)

I'm really surprised at how board game deficient our household is, but how many games our friends and family have so that we can play when we visit them. I know what is going to be on our Christmas list this year: Board Games!

I'm also really surprised at how much Connor has taken to Monopoly. I didn't expect him to like it so much, but he has enough enjoyment and patience for the game that he can play it for hours at a time. Seriously. And his addition and subtraction of money has greatly improved since he started playing it. He can properly count out the money for a property purchase all own his own, and he can give me change for my rent, too.

After a few rough games of Monopoly that ended in tears and the forceful use of a butter knife against another human (true stories), I had sworn off the game entirely. I'm grateful to Connor for showing me the joy of the game again.

And since I want him to be really good at Chess, I've been learning some new Chess techniques myself. I'd like to thank him for that, too.

1 comment:

Meg said...

Ask my mom about my Monopoly history...