But, Connor found out about the dinner with Santa, and he proclaimed that he wanted to do it. So, we talked about it, and I said that I would try to get tickets. I was lucky enough to get the last four!
The whole thing was very nicely done. One entire gymnasium had been redecorated as a winter wonderland, and there were about 20 or 25 large round tables set up for families to sit at. The event was catered by one of our favorite local pizza places, Little Italy's. We were a bit surprised when they served lasagna instead of pizza, but it was delicious nonetheless.
There were games and crafts and cookies at each place setting to keep us entertained until the big jolly man in red arrived.
Then, we took it in turns to go and visit with Santa. The boys did a really great job. Connor was more than willing to go right over to him and sit on his lap, even though he didn't have much to say to him.
Lex soon followed Connor, and in the end, it was Lex who talked to Santa. He told him that he wanted "cars" for Christmas. Connor wouldn't tell Santa what he wanted, so Santa told him to leave a list on the tree on Christmas Eve so that he would know what to leave. We will see if Connor remembers and wants to do that when the time comes.
Interestingly, Connor knew that this wasn't the "real Santa." He told me that he didn't tell this Santa what he wanted, because he had already mailed his letter to the "real one." Well, alright then, Connor.
But, both the boys were happy to have met this Santa, and they both proclaimed that they had a ton of fun. We left the event a bit early, as it was already bedtime and the boys were getting tired of sitting at our table, but there were a bunch of other activities scheduled, such as caroling, a paper airplane contest, face painting, and some other crafts.
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