I am proud to say that the boys did this. Connor picked out a Concolor Fir Tree, Kevin put it up and put the lights on it. (I picked out and purchased the lights! My humble contribution.)
Then, Connor decided that he wanted to put an angel on top of the tree this year instead of a star. When I asked him why he chose an angel, he said that it was because that the angel was more important than the star because the angel keeps us safe while we are sleeping at night.
At this point, when the tree was decked out in lights and an angel, we were satisfied. Or, so we thought. Connor went into the basement the next morning while the rest of us were sleeping and got into the Christmas decoration boxes and found a bunch of ornaments. He proceeded to decorate. And he did a fabulous job!
Since then, we have been rearranging the ornaments constantly. Between Cruiser and Lex and sometimes Connor, I keep finding ornaments all over the house and I have to put them back onto the tree.
The train track under the tree was also the boys' idea. It's their Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Choo-Choo Express set.
Lastly, this is the first time we have moved the tree out of a corner. I really like having it placed right in the middle of our living area. It does separate the living room from the kitchen, though. I'm finding that I am glad that we usually have an open floor plan. I have had to go look on the other side of the tree many times to figure out what exactly the boys are up to.
P.S. Remember Doug? Connor has been bringing this story up again and again and again lately. It seems that seeing a fresh Christmas tree has brought it to the forefront of his memory.
P.S. #2 Since this is a Concolor Fir Tree, I wanted to name it Constantine the Great. But Connor doesn't like it. He hasn't come up with a better name yet, so I think we will just call it Constantine the Great anyways.
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