Not long after he set his goal to see all 32 stadiums in person, his Grandma offered to take him to a Cleveland Browns game. And so he crossed the Cleveland Browns Stadium off his list.
1 down. 31 to go.
In February, we visited Indianapolis. Our first order of business was to tour the Lucas Oil Stadium where the Indianapolis Colts play. In fact, we were visiting the stadium just a few weeks after Super Bowl XLVI had been played there, and they were still cleaning things up and getting them back to normal.
Even more interesting, the NFL Combine was going on at that very stadium while we were there. We didn't get to see any of the prospective players though. We got to tour the stadium only because they were all at some sort of orientation at the convention center next door, actually. So it worked out.
When we first got to the stadium, I really just wanted to go into the gift shop for a few minutes and take Connor's photo outside. But he talked me into doing a full stadium tour. I was informed that the said tour would take approximately one hour and involve about 1 mile worth of walking.
I was lied to.
We walked for about 1 hour and 45 minutes, and it was closer to two miles. Which was fine for the rest of the able-bodied adults on the tour, most of whom were only carrying a small purse or camera. But I was carrying a huge diaper bag, a large camera, and wrangling Lex, who I ended up carrying for at least 3/4 of that time/distance. Let's just say that I got my workout that day. It was exhausting...but we did get to see some really cool things.
Connor could have sat in Peyton Manning's chair.
Everyone else did, but he didn't want to.
No, they didn't let us in.
They are both there.
2 down. 30 to go.
Last week when we visited Phoenix, the very first thing we did after we landed and rented a car was go to find the stadium where the Arizona Cardinals play. For serious. Before we even went to find lunch.
We didn't tour the stadium, as there was a Home & Garden Show taking place there at the time. But, we did walk around the outside and take photos. You know, for posterity.

3 down. 29 to go.
Last week when we visited Phoenix, the very first thing we did after we landed and rented a car was go to find the stadium where the Arizona Cardinals play. For serious. Before we even went to find lunch.
We didn't tour the stadium, as there was a Home & Garden Show taking place there at the time. But, we did walk around the outside and take photos. You know, for posterity.

3 down. 29 to go.
You'll have to let me know when you get around to visiting Mile High Stadium & we can join you :)
Yes! I can't wait to make it to that one!
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