Thursday, April 26, 2012

Being the Mother of Boys

I really like being the mother of boys. 

Most of the things that I don't know anything about, I can just hoist off onto their father.  How to stand and pee?  Go see Daddy.

But one thing that I have not yet figured out is how to describe what I want to a stylist in the way of a little boy haircut, and that seems to fall in my area of control.

It's almost time for the boys to get their hair cut again.  Connor's hair is getting shaggy around his ears and the back of his neck.  I've already cut the little tail that grows on the back of Lex's neck once since his last hair cut, and his hair is starting to get too long around his ears, too.

But I don't want to take them and have all their hair cut off.  Again.  I would like the parts that are too long to be cut, but I want to keep the length on the top.  And I don't know how to express that in stylist lingo, because when I ask for that, I get two little kids with short hair all over.  Long buzz cuts, which I don't particularly like.

Does anyone know what I want?  And how I should ask for it?

Otherwise, I'll just give it another go, and hope for the best.  I'm sorry, Connor and Lex.


Emily said...

I think you can say just what you did here. Do you take them to a kids place or a regular hair place? It seems like the kid places basically do the same cut on all boys...maybe switch up where you're going??

Sandy Keuper said...

I have found that the addage 'a picture paints a thousand words' to be the basis for all hair cuts! Spend time online or looking through hair books until you find the hairstyle you like for the boys, then print that photo and bring it with you ... most hairstylists can copy a photo - just not your words! :P