Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Does everything taste like chicken?

Tonight we were at Nana and Grandpa's house, watching a Lego Hero Factory movie with the boys.  Lex came over and climbed up on my lap, which was great.  But then he started licking his hand, which was a little bit weird.  I dried his hand off and told him to stop it, but he started doing it again right away.

I thought maybe he was hungry for something, and tried to think of what he had eaten recently.  When I thought about it, it turned out that he had eaten a ton of cookies and meat in the past 24 hours, but very little else.  I figured that maybe he was licking his hand due to some vitamin deficiency or something.  So, I asked him what his hand tasted like...hoping that would give me a clue as to what to feed him next.

And he said, "Chicken."


Optimistic Existentialist said...

LOL this made me laugh out loud literally!

Our Blessed Journey said...

I like the new blog design!

Julie said...
