Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Soccer - Week 3 Recap

On this particular day, soccer caught me somewhat unawares.  Suddenly, it was time to get ready for soccer, and the kids had had no naps, and no dinner.  So I did what any responsible Mommy would so.  I threw it together, got them in the car, and hit the drive thru for some Happy Meals.

Lex, however, was not so cooperative with my soccer-and-dinner-on-the-fly plan.  He promptly fell asleep in his car seat.  And wouldn't even wake up for chicken nuggets.  Or soccer.  So I did what any responsible Mommy would so.  I put him in the stroller and parked him on the sideline and then took his photo for blackmail when he is older.

While Lex was totally dead to the world around him (even his favorite Coach Mike tried to wake him), Connor played all the pre-game games.  He did the penguin walk and follow the leader...

He played "Red Light, Green Light."  (They add in Yellow Light, when you move in slow motion and make a funny face, too.)

Connor played "Simon Says" and squished his ball like a bug, hit it off his knee into the air, and learned how to hit it off of his head.

In general, Connor was having a fabulous time...

...and Lex was having a fabulous nap.

Connor even got to be "Mr. Fox" in the incredibly complex game that none of the little kids can follow...

...which is aptly named "Mr. Fox."

All the kids stand on one goal line with their balls, while one kid is "Mr. Fox."  Mr. Fox stands in the middle of the field without a ball.  All the other kids yell, "WHAT TIME IS IT, MR. FOX?"  Then, the Mr. Fox kid yells back a time of his choosing.  If he yells, "TWO O'CLOCK," then all the kids can kick their balls towards Mr. Fox two times. 

Then they all yell again, "WHAT TIME IS IT, MR. FOX?"

Mr. Fox picks another time to yell back, such as "EIGHT O'CLOCK," and then they all kick their balls towards him eight times.

Until Mr. Fox yells back "MIDNIGHT!"  At which time the kids are supposed to turn tail and try to score on the goal behind them while Mr. Fox chases after them to steal their balls.  Except for the yelling part, and all of them wanting to be Mr. Fox, none of the kids really get the rules yet.

Here is Connor as Mr. Fox. 

And while he was being Mr. Fox, Lex woke up!

But he was too groggy to get out of the stroller.  So I gave him a nugget from his Happy Meal.  Approximately one bite into that nugget, there was a peal of thunder, and then the rain started to fall.

Having played before in a league where the weather was never considered to be a factor, and where three year olds were forced to play in freezing sleet and mud...until all their parents decided that the league was nuts and allowed their freezing, crying children to quit...I expected that we would keep going.  After all, we hadn't even gotten to the real game yet!

However, the coach blew his whistle and yelled, "Stay dry kids!  See you next week!"  Which made me absolutely glad we switched soccer leagues for this young age, and happy to pack it in and head to the car.

Where we finished our Happy Meals and stayed nice and dry.

The end.

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