Friday, July 13, 2012

Spooky stories and shadow puppets party

Last night, we let the boys stay up late to spend some extra quality time with Kevin.  There was a science show on tv about subatomic particles and we made popcorn.  Since it was dark, Connor went and got a flashlight.  He said, "We can tell spooky stories and do shadow puppets."  Lex said it was a good party.

Here are some of the spooky stories that Lex told us last night:

"Once upon a time there was a big castle and a princess and a big dragon came.  The end."

"There is a monster in space and he is smashing a pyramid.  It's a witch doctor.  It's not going to be good."

Short and sweet, right?

Connor's stories were much longer, although they sounded very similar.  This is how his story started:

"Once upon a time there was an evil ogre, and an emperor, and a castle, and a spaceship, and an evil finger."

Just imagine him waving his finger in front of the flashlight to make a shadow while he talked about the evil finger, and you pretty much have the whole scene down.

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