We went to Nana's house yesterday for a visit, and Connor took his favorite toy along with him. It's a stuffed Steelers football that he plays with all day, every day. It was natural for him to take it along, but it was somewhat unusual that it got left behind. But that's how these things happen, I guess.
Last night at bedtime he discovered that his football was missing, so we called Nana and confirmed that she did, in fact, have possession of the ball. She agreed to take good care of it overnight, and Connor agreed to go to sleep with his Steelers football bear from Build-a-Bear instead.
But, the first thing he asked to do this morning was go to Nana's house to pick up his beloved football.
While we were near Nana's house, we ventured over to Barnes & Noble, where they were celebrating Star Wars Reads Day with costumed actors in the store.
We met two Jedi Knights and a Stormtrooper as soon as we got into the store. Connor was a little hesitant to approach the Stormtrooper, until Lex walked right up to him and started taking to him.
The Jedi showed us their lightsabers, and warned us to be on the lookout for Darth Vader.
This started us on a search of the whole store, because Connor wanted to find Darth Vader, Lex wanted to find Darth Vader before Darth Vader found him, and because Lex really wanted a lightsaber of his own. In fact, he asked the Jedi if he could have one of theirs, but incredibly, they refused him. I mean, if anyone could talk a Jedi out of a lightsaber, it would have been Lex.
Finally, we saw Darth Vader, and he was approaching the spot where we were standing. We could hear his electronic breathing from far away. And he was very tall. So, Connor hid under a table.
Darth Vader came to see us, and made a little girl with another family cry. But Lex was still brave, and started talking to him about lightsabers and how he really wanted one. Then, Darth Vader says, "I know someone is hiding from me under the table."
Since Connor's cover was blown, he climbed right out and started talking to Darth Vader, too. He even hit the rock and made it explode with DV. Lex did, too, and Darth Vader caught on and said something about exploding like the Death Star.
Then, they posed for a photo:

I hope they remember this forever.
The End.
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