While we were in Washington, D.C., we stopped by the United States Botanic Garden. It was very similar to the Franklin Park Conservatory that we frequent at home, but larger and more impressive. The special traveling exhibit they had on display was one that we had seen at home before, Savage Gardens. The kids liked seeing the meat-eating plants again.
The best part of the Botanic Garden, by far, was the Children's Garden. It was an outdoor courtyard where kids could play, water the plants, and even dig and plant. Connor and Lex played in this area for about an hour, until they were both drenched and covered and dirt.

Children's Gardening Shed
Lex watered all the plants. All of them.

Connor figured out that he could operate this garden fountain by pumping the handle.

Connor isn't allowed to dig up my flowers at home, so this made him very happy.

I love Lex.

This must be how they got so wet.
Savage Gardens. Look how wet Lex is.
And when did he grow up so much?
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