In light of the many going-aways, we bought party subs in the shape of the word Ohio. And do you know what you do with party subs in the shape of the word Ohio? (I mean, other than eat them, which we did.) You take many photos of them!

The subs not only photographed well, but they were very tasty.

Kevin and Jason and Sara
Lex and Logan playing with the Cozy Coupe

Julie and Julie. Not only do we have the same name, but we also have the same wedding anniversary. It's crazy, we know.

Sara and Julie. Sara was in our wedding 8 years ago.
Acey on the John Deere
There was a bit of mass chaos that was the kids running around and playing in the back yard.

Nana and Grandpa
Joe and Julie. Happy Anniversary, you guys!

Emily and Julie

My brother, Kevin
Dear Kevin,
I hate your shirt. That is all.
Love you (just not the plaid),
P.S. Okay, fine. Hate is such a strong word. I dislike your shirt.

Kathy and Megan
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