Thursday, September 5, 2013

In which my inner monologue sounds like Sheldon Cooper

So Lex and I were eating lunch at the dining room table, just the two of us, and he was at one end and I was at the other end.

And then he asked for something and he was so far away that I had to get up and walk it over to him, instead of just passing it down the table.

So then I started thinking about the scene in the Batman movie when Bruce Wayne is eating soup with Vicki Vale and she asks for the salt and Micheal Keaton has to get up and walk all the way down the room to give the salt to Kim Basinger. 

And then I think about how Ben Affleck has just been cast to play the role of Batman, and how so many people are upset about it, but that Ben Affleck has done some really good movies.

Like Good Will Hunting.

And then I think of how my best friend in high school really liked the part when Matt Damon said "How do you like them apples?"

And how I never really got it.

And then I started wondering if that was a thing before the movie came out or if it became a thing because of the movie.

And that's when I realized that Sheldon Cooper had taken up residence in my head.

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