The first animals we saw were these white-handed gibbons. They reminded me of the boys, mostly because there were two of them, they were about the same size as the boys, and they walked completely upright.
No, I did not just call my kids monkeys. I would never do something like that.
Anyways, these gibbons and the monkeys below were my favorite animals that day.

These squirrel monkeys were adorable and hilarious. They loved to come right up to the glass and tease the boys.

Connor said he wanted a squirrel monkey for a pet. I said no.

The American Black Bear. Which is apparently indigenous to Texas, and can't navigate a steep ditch, because that's really all that was separating us.

The river otter enclosure was so entertaining that we stayed here for probably half an hour.

You see that slide? It went inside and through the river otter enclosure. The otters would climb on the slide while the kids were in it, or they would swim right under it.

See? The otter was right on top of the slide!

The boys loved playing with the otters this way.

Ocelots! Just like on Minecraft! This was another favorite of the day.

This nocturnal enclosure was entirely done in black light, and the owls were very photogenic.

It's just like Eeylops Owl Emporium. Okay, maybe not exactly like it, but close enough.
There weren't any animals living in the teepee. But there was a herd of bison nearby.


Greater Kudu
Both boys wanted their photo taken with the baby giraffe statue.
Another one of my favorites was this orangutan mommy and baby.

The mommy was very protective of the baby, and as soon as she was done using that stick to get the leaf she wanted to eat from our side of the fence, she went and got her baby down from the fence. By the way, once she extended the stick, I could have reached out and grabbed the other end. I didn't though, because I didn't want to get into a fight with an orangutan.

I know we have taken photos of the boys with this Komodo Dragon statue at a bunch of other zoos. It's become a thing now. We have to do it every time.

A real Komodo Dragon.

Last but not least, we found Johnny Lemur!
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