Thursday, January 8, 2015

Meet Shooter. He's more stuff and fluff.

This is Lex (obviously) and he is snuggling his new wolf:


He bought this wolf when we went to Mardel to pick up Connor's new math book, since we finished his last Life of Fred math book.

Lex has the ability to locate the stuffed animals on sale in any store.  Yes, Daddy made a rule that we would buy him no further stuffed animals years and years ago in order to prevent him being suffocated by too much stuff and fluff, but Lex loves stuffed animals so much that he has started buying them with his own money.

Yeah, so this is Shooter.  Lex is really good at coming up with great names for all of his stuffed friends.

And I don't really mind too much that he keeps spending his allowance and prize money and gift money on stuffed animals, because he plays with them all the time.  In really entertaining ways.

Nothing says "Do Not Enter" like a full three lines of defense:


Well, except maybe a "Do Not Enter" sign.  But Lex works in stuffed animals.  Not signs.

I don't know about you, but I wouldn't want to try my luck against a dog, lemur, wolf, DRAGON, cheetah and bear.

"Come any closer and Pikachu gets it!"

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