Friday, January 23, 2015

Passports & Procrastination

So, Connor's passport expired, as passports issued to minors in this great country tend to do.  So, this summer, we got all ready to get him a new one.  We even got his passport photo taken.  And then, we never actually went to apply for his passport.

If you've never applied for a passport for a minor, let me tell you that it ain't easy.  At least, it isn't for us. Kevin and I have to take Connor, and all three of us have to appear in person before the passport agent in the one location in town during the five minute window that they have available to take passport applications each week.

So anyways, we decided that it was time to get serious about getting his passport renewed.  Again.  And I took one look at that passport photo and decided that there was no way that the passport agent would ever believe it was taken in within the last six months.  Especially since it is about seven months old, and the kid hasn't had a haircut in all that time.

So, I took Connor and had another passport photo taken.

The photo on the left was from June.  The one on the right is from January.

Now all we have to do is actually apply for his new passport sometime within the next six months.  I mean, right?

1 comment:

Jelena said...

We took Maelle to get a passport photo taken at least 2-3 months ago & we still haven't made it to the post office to apply for it yet either, I feel your pain! Hopefully we can get there soon :-)