Saturday, February 7, 2015

Meet Tik

Last night the boys had a sleepover with some of their friends that they play with all the time.  You know, so that they could play Minecraft all night long.  Kevin and I were thinking of going to catch a movie while they were gone, but instead, we drove down to Tulia and bought a dog for Connor.

He has been wanting a puppy for a while now.  He wanted a boy dog.  He wanted a black dog.  But other than that, he really didn't have any other preferences.  So, Kevin and I had been keeping an eye out for the right dog for us, and we finally found one.

We brought him home, and I think it was good that he got to spend the first night in his new home getting used to things before meeting the boys.  He came from a family that had lots of other dogs and small children, so he did really well.

When Connor walked in this morning, he took a few steps past the door and said, "What's that dog?"

We told him that it was his dog and he had to name it.  It was fun to surprise him!

He named the dog Tik, and he loves him, and he takes really good care of him.


Tik is a miniature schnauzer, and he was born on December 14, 2014.  He is seven weeks old.

The dog belongs to Connor, and we told Lex that if he does a good job helping Connor with this dog, he can get a puppy of his own when he is 7 years old, too.

1 comment:

Our Blessed Journey said...

awwww, so sweet!!!!
Welcome to the family Tik! I know you will be very loved, and NEVER bored <3