Monday, August 10, 2015

Amarillo Thunderheads

We went to a minor league baseball game yesterday to watch the Amarillo Thunderheads take on some other AA team from New York.  Well, at least their jerseys said they were from New York.  Our tickets said that they were supposed to be playing a Canadian team called CanAm.  Oh, but their website says that they lost yesterday to a team called Rockland.  So, I'm totally confused about what was going on.

I mean, there was baseball going on.  And heat.  It was seriously hot.  And there were hot dogs and BBQ sandwiches.  Those were tasty.  Seriously tasty.

We watched from the party pavilion instead of the stands.  And we had a visit from the team mascot.  I'm a little bit confused about the mascot, too.



Is this what a Thunderhead looks like?  Part dog, part bunny?  No tail, though.  So that makes sense.

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