Thursday, July 14, 2016

Sea Level 5

The boys did really really well with their swim lessons last year, and they really learned how to swim pretty well.  But, we wanted them to do a quick refresher course this summer, just to make sure that they would continue to be safe in the water.  Practice is good, right?

So, instead of setting them up with lessons at the Amarillo Town Club like we did last summer, we decided to go through the Amarillo Department of Parks & Recreation, for something different.

I had to choose which level they were going to do, and after reading through all the different level requirements, I selected Seal Level 5 for both of them.  

Here is what they did to pass Sea Level 5:

Back Stroke - 5 body lengths
Breast Stroke - 25 yards
Combine Strokes - 4 body lengths
Elementary Back Stroke - 25 yards
Freestyle with Kick & Breathe - 4 body lengths
Finning & Sculling - 6 body lengths
Surface Dives
Underwater Swim - 5 body lengths

Swim Lessons

They passed, no problem.  And now, if I sign them up again, they will do Sea Level 6.  There is also a Sea Level 7.

And now:  A Note!

Here are the requirements for passing Sea Level 6:

Back Stoke Start
Breast Stroke with Turn
Butterfly Kick - 25 yards
Dive from Diving Board
Five Minute Swim
Open Turns - All Strokes
Prone Start
Side Stroke - 25 yards
Tread Water - 2 minutes

Sea Level 7:

Back Stroke with Turn - 50 yards
Breast Stroke with Turn - 50 yards
Butterfly Stroke - 25 yards
Competitive Starts
Competitive Turns - Open & Flip
Freestyle with Turn - 50 yards
Side Stroke
Tread Water - 4 minutes
100 Yard Swim - Choice of Stroke

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