What was it that finally convinced me to go? Even in the hot heat? A baby lemur named Paddles.
This is Paddles. He is a baby ring tailed lemur, about 10 weeks old.
How can you say no to meeting a baby lemur? We love lemurs! Remember when then kids said that the two types of pets that they would want (other than dogs) were penguins and lemurs?
And so, we went. And we met more than just Paddles.
This is a young reticulated python. It's going to get huge.
And this guy is a kingsnake. He's pretty common around here, because people actually buy them to keep on their farms. They don't bite people, but they do eat other venomous snakes, like rattlesnakes, which farmers don't want around.

And we did get to meet Paddles. Lex followed the lady around with him for a long, long time.
Connor thought that he had really awesome paws.
Lex finally got up the courage to ask to hold Paddles, but he was informed that since he is still a baby, it wouldn't be a good idea.
Apparently, each time a new person holds Paddles, he pees on them. Lex opted not to get peed on by a lemur, but it was a close call. He almost thought it would be worth it. Hopefully we will be able to meet Paddles again when he is a little bit older, and a bit better potty trained.
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