Tuesday, December 13, 2016

In which we feed the ducks

The boys and I took some bread over to the lake to feed the ducks yesterday because it was sunny and warm.  And also, because no one here will eat the ends of the loaf of bread.  My mom will, but she is in Ohio.  Also, she calls the end of the loaf of bread a "heel."  Everyone here calls it the "butt."

So, we took the butts from the bread to the lake to feed the ducks.

Some photos:

Feeding the ducks

Feeding the ducks

Feeding the ducks

Feeding the ducks

The ducks were very well behaved.  They acted like everyone brings them bread.  A couple of seagulls (why are there seagulls in Amarillo, Texas, by the way?) tried to attack them for their bread, and that caused a commotion that got the attention of the 7,431 geese that have flown south for the winter and taken up residence in the duck pond.

And then the geese came, and they converged upon us, very much like zombies do in the zombie movies.

Feeding the ducks

Feeding the ducks

And so we made a break for the car.  Because geese are mean.  Also, we were out of bread.  And I don't like zombies.  Or geese.  Or zombie-geese.  For the record.

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