Before we put the kids to bed on Christmas Eve, we held a family meeting to agree upon what would be an acceptable time to wake up and open presents in the morning.
We settled on 6 AM.
This small, very excited child woke up at 3:30 AM.
Waiting until 6 AM nearly killed him.
No, I didn't get back to sleep, and neither did he.
He woke Connor up too early, too.
However, time passed, and eventually it was 6 AM and I let them wake everyone else in the house.
And then, finally, they got to open their presents!
Connor asked for a long list of different Nerf Guns this year for Christmas.
The thing that Lex really wanted for Christmas this year was a Nintendo Switch.
This year, Kevin did all the major gift buying and I stuffed the stockings. One of the things that Connor asked for was a laser pointer, so into his stocking it went. He wanted to use it as a dog toy. Sometimes the dogs get it, and sometimes they don't see it.
Nana bought me a Harry Potter tea set, and she bought a coffee mug for my brother.
Lex enjoys his tea with a whole lotta honey.
I honestly think he goes along with the whole tea thing just to get the honey.
Lex bought Poppy a stuffed animal that looks like her best friend, Tik.
Merry Christmas!
God Bless Us, Everyone!
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