Wednesday, April 4, 2018

New Books

It's the part of the school year where we have starting coming to the end of all of our books, but it isn't the end of the school year yet.  It's really the best part, because we are finished with all the common core subject material, and we can start to explore all the awesome things that we feel like doing.

New Books

Like Botany.  This is the third book in this series, and we really enjoyed the first two about Zoology and Anatomy.

New Books

We have also finished Spanish 1 again.  So, Connor asked if he could learn German.

In related news, the boys have also started new extra-curricular activities.  Lex has started to learn Irish dance, and he has now gone to two lessons at two different schools.  We have picked the school that we are going to patronize, so stay tuned for that.  Connor has signed back up for more tennis lessons, and he starts that soon.

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