Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Fun at the Mall

The past few times we have gone to the mall, it seems like there are more fun things to do at the mall than there used to be.  If this keeps up, my boys are going to start to actually want to go to the mall!

We went to the mall

They like to ride these animals around.  I can't blame them.  One of these days I am going to do it, too.

We went to the mall

We went to the mall

We went to the mall

Connor and Lex both picked out little treats from the Lego store.

We went to the mall

We went to the mall

There was a lounge in this mall, complete with a foosball table. 
Connor is currently really into foosball, so we stopped for a while to play.

Lex really wanted to try these Dragon Breath Balls, and they turned out to be really great.
I mean, they were fun to eat, but they didn't actually taste that great.

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