Tuesday, May 21, 2019

In which we went for a walk on the beach after dinner to watch the sun set.

We went to dinner tonight with my brother and his family at a lovely little seafood shack that was actually a very big restaurant and not a shack at all, but what is one to do about misnamed seafood shacks, beside eat?  And so we ate.  And the food was delicious.

And then after dinner we headed to the nearby beach to watch the sun set over the water.  Which was an excellent idea.  But what is one small boy to do with an ocean, except to get into it?

At the Beach

At the Beach

At the Beach

At the Beach

At the Beach

At the Beach

At the Beach

At the Beach

At the Beach

And so, Lex had a very wet ride back home.  
And that is the end.

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