I found this on Craigslist, and I love, love, love it!
It's big enough for all of our china, and there is room for more. It's in great condition, and it is a very solid piece of furniture.
(Our old china cabinet, which is actually a secretary and *not* a china cabinet, even though that's what we were using it for, wasn't big enough for everything, and has now found a nice new home in the loft.)
When we went to pick this up, I realized that we were heading to same neighborhood where Emily and Aaron live. When we were leaving, we drove past their house, and Megan was outside, so we stopped to talk to Meg and Em, which was a nice little surprise.
So far, this is my best find on Craiglist yet, and now I've been inspired to try to find a new dining room table and chairs to match!
Wow, that's gorgeous--great find!!!
I'll have to tell you about my best find on Craigslist...lol
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