Friday, January 9, 2009

Cocktail Party

Last night, Kevin and I went to a cocktail reception at the law firm that his company uses. They were having an open house to celebrate their move to a new building downtown.

It was nice to go out and do something grown up, and we left Connor with his grandparents for a few hours. He seemed to have a good time there without us, although he didn't eat his dinner, and when he woke up in the middle of the night, he told me that he wanted to eat. I don't want to make a habit of night time snacking, so I only gave him a bottle of milk. He ate an earlier breakfast than usual, though.

The most interesting thing about the party was the bar. The entire thing was carved out of a very large block of ice! (I wish now that I had thought to take a picture of it, although I might have looked a little conspicuous with my camera out for a minute or two.)

The first thing I noticed was an ice sculpture on the bar, which was made to look like the law firm's logo. But then, I noticed that the ice sculpture was flanked by two very large ice cubes (about a foot in length on each side), with funnels attached to the top. The bartenders were pouring vodka into the cubes, and we could see it running through a maze that was carved into the cubes, and then it dripped out into the waiting martini glass below the cube. Then, I realized that the martini glass was also sitting on top of ice, and then it hit me: the sculpture, cubes, bar, everything was connected and made of ice! Very fancy.

1 comment:

Our Blessed Journey... said...

oooh, neat, sounds like we all had fun last night!