After visiting a friend in very early December and seeing him open up a little square on his advent calendar to reveal a very tasty piece of chocolate, Connor and Lex demanded that we take up the very same tradition.
In fact, we stopped at the store on our way home from the play date to buy chocolate advent calendars. There were four left on the shelf, and I picked up two of them: one for Connor and one for Lex. But Connor said that we needed the remaining two as well: one more for me and one more for Daddy. And so we bought the last four chocolate advent calendars at the grocery store that day.
Connor was very sure of the rules. He got to eat the chocolate that matched the date on the calendar. On the first day, he got to eat a few to catch up, but that was special. Not wanting to confuse Lex, we only gave him one piece and then I ate his extras. (I swear I was doing him a favor.)
The boys were very good with their calendars. Each morning, Connor would help himself to the correct piece of chocolate. Lex would go to his calendar several times a day, but after the first time he was usually content when we told him that he would get another piece of chocolate from his calendar the next day.
Until one morning, when I came downstairs to find them thus occupied with all four of the calendars:
They had opened all the little doors. But the good news is that they weren't eating the chocolates. They were saving them for the correct days:
But those chocolates didn't last too long once they were in a bowl. And so our chocolate advent calendars are no more.
But they did a pretty good job with them for about 10 days. Which is remarkable, given their age and love for all things chocolate, and the fact that I left the calendars right there on the counter for them to find.
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