Connor had asked for very specific things this year, right down to the greeting card he wanted. He asked for a Lego Star Wars Birthday Card made for 6 year olds. I got it for him, of course. And Lex picked out a race car birthday card to give him.

Another thing Connor wanted for his birthday were tournament Pokemon decks. I bought him two so that he would be able to play with someone else.
He also requested a kite with a Blue Angels design on it, but I don't have a photo of it now. We'll probably take some when we fly it.

Lex was with me when I picked up this Lego Atlantis set for Connor, and we were very clear about how he had to keep it a secret. And Lex did! He kept it a secret for three whole days! But, right when Connor went to open the box, Lex told him what was inside. No one got mad at Lex of course, but he realized his mistake and started sobbing instantly. "I told him," is what he kept saying over and over. It was cute, if a sobbing three year old ever can be cute. We did calm him, as you can see in the photo above.
These next two photos are for Connor and record-keeping purposes. I expect that he will mix these decks with his other Pokemon cards and then some day want to put them back together again as they were in the box, so here is the listing of the cards as they came in each deck:

And after we opened all the presents, Connor and I played a game of Pokemon with his new cards:
Happy 6th Birthday, Connor!
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