And it was.
1. George Washington
Our First President

2. John Adams
3. Thomas Jefferson

Author of the Declaration of Independence

4. James Madison

The shortest president. Connor is almost as tall as he was.
5. James Monroe
Apparently, he was very handsome, and very popular with the ladies.
6. John Quincy Adams
John Quincy Adams used to swim naked in the Potomac River.
7. Andrew Jackson
Andrew Jackson had a parrot that mocked his bad langugage so much, that at Andrew Jackson's funeral, the parrot had to be removed.
8. Martin Van Buren

9. William Henry Harrison

10. John Tyler
Look! He is holding a violin!
12. Zachary Taylor
13. Millard Fillmore
14. Franklin Pierce
15. James Buchanan
16. Abraham Lincoln
17. Andrew Johnson

18. Ulysses S. Grant
His brother called him "Useless S. Grant." Brothers can be mean, right?
19. Rutherford B. Hayes

20. James A. Garfield
This statute had blown over the week before in a really bad storm, so Connor is standing in as President Garfield.
21. Chester A. Arthur
22. Grover Cleveland
23. Benjamin Harrison

24. Grover Cleveland
(See #22.)
25. William McKinley
26. Theodore Roosevelt
This is Connor's favorite president.
27. William Howard Taft
28. Woodrow Wilson
29. Warren G. Harding
30. Calvin Coolidge
31. Herbert Hoover
32. Franklin D. Roosevelt

This is Kevin's favorite president.
33. Harry S. Truman

34. Dwight D. Eisenhower
35. John F. Kennedy
36. Lyndon Baines Johnson

37. Richard M. Nixon
38. Gerald Ford

39. Jimmy Carter
40. Ronald Regan

41. George Herbert Walker Bush

42. William Jefferson Clinton
43. George W. Bush
President Obama will get a statute once he has completed his term in office.
We also visited The City of Presidents Visitor Center, where we could see smaller sized versions of some of the life-sized statues, and learn about the sculptors.

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