Friday, November 18, 2016

Crumpets, Take 2

Lex asked me to try to make crumpets again this afternoon.

I found a new recipe and watched some YouTube videos.  I'm pleased to report that these are definitely crumpets:


However, they taste more like pretzels than anything else.  I liked the way the first batch of non-crumpet crumpets tasted better.

Here is how this batch was created:


1 1/2 cups white flour
1/4 tsp salt
Pinch of sugar
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp active dry yeast
1/2 cup milk plus 2/3 cup water, heated up


Mix the dry ingredients, except the yeast.  Make a well in the middle, add the yeast and warm milk/water at the same time.  Beat until smooth.  Cover and let rise for one hour.  Cook on griddle with butter, similar to pancakes, letting them cook on the first side until bubbles pop and batter is set.  Flip and cook for a minute on the top.


Ready to Flip

And so, I expect to try again.  Stay tuned for crumpet attempt #3.  I want the structure of these crumpets, with the taste of the first batch.

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